The official opening of the largest running event in the region took place on Saturday, on the first running day. After the ribbon ceremony a total of 1123 preschool children and at double number of their parents crossed the finish line. There were total of 149 runners in the inclusive run was , 3,184 in school runs, 2,244 in elementary school run, 605 high-schoolers, and exactly 100 participants of various ages that took part in the Golden Ribbon run. Total number 7305!
One more thing: during the registrations for the VW 27th Ljubljana Marathon, we also collected donations, which totaled 10,000 euros between March and October. With the collected funds, you enabled the purchase of a mechanical leg for Jana Fondo from Institut Golden Ribbon (Zlata pentljica otroci z rakom), who lost her leg after recovering from an illness. Thank you all!
Good luck to all runners on Sunday!