Privacy notice

Basic data

The manager of personal data is TIMING Ljubljana, association for the implementation of sports programs, Staničeva ulica 41, 1000 Ljubljana, e-mail: [email protected]


GDPR: means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council from the 27th of April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and on the annulment of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) - terms described in the GDPR are also used in this policy.

ZVOP-2: stands for the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 163/22)

What are my rights and how can I exercise them?

In regard to this website and other amenities provided by the seller, you can exercise the following rights in relation to your personal data at any time:

Your rights are as follows:

  • the right to become familiar with your own personal data
  • the right of correction or amendments to personal data;
  • the right to deletion of personal data, when there is no longer a basis for storage in law (or legal obligation) or you have given us your consent;
  • the right to limit personal data (in certain cases);
  • the right to object - in the case when the processing is carried out on the basis of a legitimate interest;
  • the right to transference – in case of contract or personal consent & processing is carried out by automated means.

You can exercise your rights in writing at the managers address or via the e-mail address [email protected]. In certain cases, we may contact you to verify your identity.

The possibility of a complaint: if you feel that we are not exercising your rights properly, we will be happy if you contact us first. If even this is not sufficient, you can file a complaint or report with the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia.

Processing purposes

When visiting our website

When visiting our website, we save your IP address for a short time, but at most until the end of the session. If our system determines that you are not carrying out any activities that would endanger the operation of our website, this information is automatically deleted.

In the event that our system determines that you are carrying out activities that are clearly illegal or clearly aimed at disabling the functioning of the website, your IP address is stored permanently and our system places it on the black list of IP addresses and you consequently disables further use of the website.

More details

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: on the basis of its own legitimate interest (Article 6(1)f of the General Regulation), the manager processes personal data for the purpose of website security and the prevention of illegal activities on it (for example hacking, misuse of passwords, etc.).

User Categories: Website Hosting Provider and Security Solution Provider.

Retention period: until the end of the session at the latest (general rule) or permanently (for cases of attempted abuse).

If you register on the website and shop on it

We are glad that you are interested in participating in the traditional Ljubljana Marathon or to purchase our products. We are happy to welcome new members to our running family. However, in order for applications and purchases to work normally, we must, of course, set the rules of our cooperation. These are written in the General Terms and Conditions. If you are registering for the marathon, please read the conditions for participation in the marathon in the General Terms and Conditions.

In the language of GDPR and ZVOP-2: our cooperation is based on the execution of the contract. Therefore, we may not be able to provide you with all amenities, purchase options or registration for the marathon, if you do not provide us with personal data.

More details

Legal basis: implementation of contract (Article 6(1)b GDPR), personal consent in the case of optional information and direct marketing (Article 6(1)a GDPR), legitimate interest (closing of and enforcement of contracts between legal entities - Article 6(1) f GDPR).

User categories:

  • processors: website hosting provider, maintainers and developers of websites and online solutions, mass emailing provider, event photography provider and travel, congress and tourist services provider;
  • users: the public in the part of publishing photos from the marathon; Kompas d.o.o., Dunajska cesta 117, Ljubljana (if you decide to accept their offer for accommodation - Kompas d.o.o. becomes an independent operator, you can read more about this in Kompas' privacy policy;
  • by law also state authorities, that demonstrate a legal basis for the processing of personal data.

Retention period:

  • in case of execution of the contract: 5 years from the last application, marathon results permanently,
  • in case of legitimate interest: 5 years from the conclusion of the contract,
  • in the case of consent: until cancellation, but at most until the account is deleted.

If you participate in a giveaways

If you decide to participate in giveaways, we will of course need certain personal data from you. This is the only way we can draw a winner and give the prize to the right hands. In certain cases, we will also need additional personal data from the winners, as this is required by tax legislation.

If you do not wish to provide us with your personal information, participation in the giveaway may not be possible or we may not be able to hand out prizes.

More details

Legal basis: legitimate interest (running a giveaway, promoting the brand to the public) - 6(1)f GDPR. For prize winners: implementation of the (gift) contract (Article 6(1)b GDPR) and legal obligation (tax legislation – Article 6(1)c GDPR).

User categories: website hosting provider, FURS.

Retention period: for participants: until the end of the prize draw; for prize winners: 10 years.

If you contact us via an online form or email

We look forward to your every message. In this case, our communication will be based on our legitimate interest, which is manifested in the manager's communication with the general public. If you would not like to disclose your personal data to us, we will unfortunately not be able to answer your question. You can stop communication at any time (notify us), which will also mean that we will delete your personal data.

More details

Legal basis: legitimate interest (communication with the general public) – 6(1)f GDPR.

User Categories: Website Hosting Provider.

Retention period: until the end of communication. You can request termination of communication even before this - as a result, we will irrevocably delete your personal data (if there is no further legal basis for their further processing (e.g. a contract).

If you have signed up to receive our news and/or offers.

In your profile, you can choose which notifications you want to receive. This way, we will try to send you content that interests you as optimally as possible, so that we do not fill your e-mail box unnecessarily. The same applies if you sign up for our e-newsletter.

Since we only send our notifications if you agree to it, you can unsubscribe from them (revoke your consent) at any time by clicking on the link in the received e-mail or adjust options on your profile on this website.

More details

Legal basis: personal consent according to Article 6(1)a GDPR.

User Categories: Website Hosting Provider, Email Sending Provider.

Retention period: until cancellation.

Unsubscribe: Individuals can unsubscribe from notifications at any time by clicking on the link in the received e-mail.

Web analytics and marketing

We carry out web analytics and marketing on websites using cookies and exclusively on the basis of your expressed consent. We also market our services based on your consent – again, only if you give us your consent to upload marketing cookies.

Information about cookies and their settings can be found on this page.