

Winter running gathering

7. 2. 2024

The Ljubljana Marathon and the Športno društvo Priprave are inviting you to a free group run on Saturday, 17 February.

Meet at 8 a.m. by Koseški bajer (at the outdoor fitness center), and we will run about 7 and 12 km.

We will run in groups: 7 km at a pace of 6:30 – 7:00 min/km, 12 km at a pace of 5.45 - 6.00 min/km.

Please fill out the application form and apply.

Free group runs are events that provide citizens with free guided exercise and the opportunity to socialize with runners. All lovers of running are warmly invited to the awakening of spring in Ljubljana. Invite your running friends too, they won't regret it.

We run in any weather. Together!